Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dear Disgruntled Guest...

Hey there. Long time no see. I figured with Christmas Break I would have unlimited amounts of time to blog. Well, sadly, that was not the case. Almost every night has been busy, I have 1, 000, 001 things to do, and I've been working. Yep. Funny, I'm not even working full-time right now, but every day STILL tires me out. Which brings me to the topic of my writing today: my job.

Yes, I may or may not be venting. But, here me out. It's worth reading. 

I work at a fast food, or "quick service", restaurant. I am not going to reveal the name of it, but those of you who know me know what restaurant it is. I love my job. Really. I love the people I work with. I love the regular customers who come in. I love the business. But there are definitely some things I do NOT love. Let me elaborate.

I work in the drive-thru for my job. This includes places such as headset, window, bagging the food. There is actually a lot more involved in getting your food out to you than you think! We are hard working and don't get paid all that much. Those of us who work during the day are full-time. Some of us get to work as early as 4:30 AM if there is breakfast involved. That's early. Seriously. You try waking up at 3:00 AM five days a week. Not easy. But, I am not writing this so you can commiserate with me. Nope, not at all. I'm writing this so you can possibly show us a little more respect. Like I said, we work long hours, some of us have families to provide for our school bills to pay..and we don't get paid that much. So, here goes...

Let's start with the wait. So many customers take it upon themselves to complain about the very few times they have to wait in line. Yes, I realize drive-thru is supposed to be fast. I do. And yes, it is our job to get your food out to you fast. But, at the same time, I cannot make people coming through the drive-thru get their money out in 0.5 seconds, take the bag from me, and leave in less than a minute. Now, don't get me wrong, that would definitely be ideal! But, trust me, it won't happen. Which brings me to the next topic.

Please, please, PLEASE, if you are going through the drive-thru, have your money ready! Please don't drive up to the window and look shocked when I tell you your total and hold out my hand for the money. Please don't make a joke about having to pay. It's great that you're nice, and I would much rather have you joke with me than yell at me. But please have your money ready! And having two handfuls of change in your hand and asking me if the total was in fact $12. 82 and counting out the change in pennies is not ready. Not even a little bit. So please, have your money ready. And by ready, I don't mean that you have to get out of your car, open your trunk, and grab your card. Yes, cards are fast. But, no, getting out of your car to get your wallet is not fast.

Let's talk about sauce, shall we? So, at this restaurant I work at, we have a sauce limit. Because, in case you didn't know, sauce costs money. But, we hand out sauce for free. But, there is a limit of sauce per item or meal. This limit is drilled into us by management when we start working. Going over the limit is counted as waste. If we waste sauce, the chances of getting a raise are slim. Some of us work hard to get a raise. So, please, respect us when we deny you of the THREE extra sauces you request, because I could get in trouble. While I won't get fired over handing out too many sauces (at least..I don't think I will) I won't be getting a raise either. And, like I've already said, I work hard. I have things to pay for, college to finish. And when you tell me "I NEED at least 2 more sauces. I don't care if you have to take it out of your paycheck, you are going to give me more sauce." I am most definitely NOT going to give it to you. Because, #1. HOW RUDE. and #2. I am not entitled to give you sauce over the limit. I am a human being, and I should not have to tolerate being nice to you after you say things like that to me. 

Ok, last one, and I think I may be done. When I hand you your food, please do not question that I have given you everything. How about a little trust? Yes, I know sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we are working at such a fast pace trying to get your food to you in less than a minute that we miss big orders. Sometimes the people on headset accidentally switch a car and don't inform us and we hand out the wrong food. SOMETIMES THINGS HAPPEN. We are only human, after all. But, please respect us enough not to question our abilities. As I've said before, I am a college student. I have done 2 years of nursing school (I am changing my major, but that doesn't really change anything..) This past semester, I got an A in my chemistry class. AN A!! I studied my butt off. I am smart. I got a 3.77 GPA this semester. Next semester I am trying to get a 4.0. I do not plan on working in fast food for the rest of my life. I have future plans, goals. So, PLEASE, do not talk to me like I am stupid and don't know anything. I am quite capable of accomplishing anything in the fast food business. I am only working so I can have money to pay for school. And, you treating me like some stupid person does not make me want to be nice to you. Sure, I will be nice to you and smile. It's my job. But please don't talk down to me. I deserve better. For all you know, I could have spit in your food.. (of course I didn't, and I never would. EW. But it could happen. Just sayin')

Well, I believe that is enough venting for today. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but I just had to do this. After all, it's time to get these things out in the open and start fresh, right? Because, tomorrow is the first day of 2015. Gotta start it off right! :)

To all of you fast food employees, I love you. Keep working hard at what you do. And those of you who really are slackers, shape up! Work hard so you deserve praise. Make someone else's day better. You can do it.

Happy New Year, guys!!

XOXO, Nichole

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Home Sweet Home

     Well, here I am again. I am sorry I have been such a terrible blogger. I promise I will get better. This semester has been a crazy busy, nightmare-ish, wild roller coaster, but good news! It's almost over! Only 2 more CHEM 107 classes, 2 more PSYC 101 classes, and 1 more CSPA 101 class. Plus, 3 tests (1 for each class) and a few homework assignments. Oh, and a video for Spanish. I'm actually pretty excited about that, because I am basically going to walk around my house speaking Spanish, spouting off random information and shoving the camera into various family member's faces. Should be great.

     But, for now, I am just going to sit at the kitchen table with my 3 cup of coffee and enjoy not thinking about school. Like I said before, it's been a crazy semester. Which I'm sure you can figure from my lack of posts. It's so sad, but I have a goal to post more this Thanksgiving & Christmas break. I am actually pretty excited for this week. Aside from being home and not having to go to class, my sister and I plan on working on a few DIY projects. I decided it would be so much easier to make presents this year than buy presents! Not that I don't care enough to BUY people stuff..but let's face it, it's more fun to make presents! Plus, I'm the kinda person that doesn't want to leave anyone out, and that gets kind of expensive. I can't wait to post about the DIY adventures that will be happening! 

    How's school, you may ask? Well, it's not too bad. Spanish continues to be my favorite, and that had a major role in my decision about next semester. Yes, you read that right. I have kinda made a decision about the future. I say kinda because I'm still not sure. And I honestly don't want to talk to people about it. Because, what happens if it changes? I don't know...But, as for my current classes, they are going very well. I actually don't think I've ever done this well in school and NOT been super stressed. I mean, I have my moments. But, not gonna lie, for the most part I have been pretty calm. Weird. 

More exciting news!! Last week I posted an ad asking for someone to design some business cards for Elizabeth Maree Cupcakes. I got a TON of responses. It was so hard to choose someone, but I did, and she created the cutest business cards! She also put the logo in digital form, which I needed since my best friend from high school drew the original logo with colored pencils. Anyways, here it is!! And I can't wait until my business cards come in! Business is also picking up, so that's exciting.
Other random updates: 

One of my best friends from high school got married! Over a month ago now. It is so weird having a friend who's married! I don't feel old enough..EVERYONE IS GROWING UP AND I'M NOT SURE I LIKE IT! LOL Anyways, it was a beautiful wedding! And I can't wait to go and visit her soon!

I turned 22. It's weird thinking that's how old I am now. It was a great birthday, but definitely bittersweet since it was my first birthday away from my BFF in 4 years. Yeah, 4. But she managed to make it amazing, even all the way from Chicago. And my family and friends helped too. So, all in all, a successful 22nd birthday. 

My little bro came to visit me! That was a fun weekend. I can't wait for him to come to school here next year if that's what he decides! 

We ate too much food, walked around campus, he came to class with me..we went to a football game AND my first hockey game! Which I must say was super fun and I pretty much love watching that sport now. So cool! We also saw For King & Country and Britt Nicole in concert. 

Last weekend I drove to Blacksburg to visit my cousin. It was so cool to see Virginia Tech. The last time I saw the campus was over 10 years ago. Both of my parents went there, and my mom graduated from the vet school. It certainly has grown since then..but it was cool to think about the fact that they were there so many years ago! Yeah..I get sentimental like that. Anyways, we had fun going hiking and working on homework. Typical smarty-pants college students, right? 

     So, there's an update on my oh-so-exciting life. It will get more exciting this week, I promise. For now, I am going to go and help my "big sis" cook for our church dinner tomorrow night. It's our first one! So exciting! (Did I ever write about CityLight? I don't remember...I shall have to do that sometime) Lots to do!

    Happy Saturday everyone!

XOXO, Nichole

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Long Time No See..

I'm alive! No.. Really. I can't believe how long it's been since I posted something. Like, years. Ok, actually just about a month and a half, but I feel like it's been forever! You know what they say about have no life. Between classes, homework, driving home some weekends, required tutoring, and everything in between, I'm lucky to get any sleep! But, I love it. Really. I love the school atmosphere. Can't say I love my classes..but I love school. 
What has happened in my life lately, you may ask? Well, I suppose I will fill you in.

1) I started a Facebook page for my cupcakes. Yes. About time, right? Of course, it hasn't been a huge hit. I really should put up posters or something to get the word out. But, I have had 2 people put orders in, and hopefully once I REALLY start advertising, word will travel fast. I mean, I do make some pretty amazing cupcakes, if I do say so myself. Are you on Facebook? Check it out! Elizabeth Maree Cupcakes. Soon I'll have business cards. Moving up. ;)

2)  I have allergies. I know. Me. The healthiest child in my family. Allergies. I don't even know what to say! But, it's quite obvious when you have a foggy head, pounding headache, scratchy throat, stuffy nose, and stuffy ears (can ears get stuffy? not sure..but you know what I mean..) . Yeah, all of those things happened to me from Monday-Wednesday, and then I went home for Fall Break and viola! No more stuffiness. Then, BAM, come back from Fall Break and it all starts up again. Hmm..fishy. Thankfully there's this amazing stuff called Claritin that clears away those nasty things called allergies! Since I'm a poor college student, I went with generic Claritin. But, you's the same thing. 

3) I AM GOING TO SPAIN!! Yep! So excited! We have these things called Global Teams here at school, and we take trips to different countries. I applied for the Spain Global Team and, well, I got accepted. The hard part will be raising the support, but I'm working on that. Hopefully this weekend I can REALLY start working on it, and not just thinking about working on it. But, brainstorming is the first part, right? We will be going during Spring Break, and it is going to be amazing!

4) Speaking of Spain, Spanish is definitely my favorite class. I am in no way speaking smoothly or expertly, but I am really enjoying the little achievements. One step closer to be fluent! Yippee! 

5) I joined an 8 week #FriskyFall challenge with #TIU. Yep, I would consider myself a #TIUgirl. (Don't you just love all of the hashtagging going on..) Anyways, it's a fitness challenge to work out daily. Some days I am better at it than others. I joined because I just wasn't making myself get up and go running like I wanted to. I used to be SO GREAT at waking up and running, but lately I've lost my love of running. Well, not's just been hiding beneath my super lazy self. However, this fitness challenge really helped! I wanted to lose weight, but I wouldn't say that happened..however, I have definitely gotten stronger! The first couple of weeks, I really struggled through some of the exercises. I wouldn't say I don't struggle anymore..I definitely still do. But I can do things that I couldn't before. And that makes me feel good. So, I've gotten the working out (for the most part) taken care of. Now I really just need to work on the healthy eating. I usually try to be healthy. But sometimes, that brownie is just begging to be eaten. Or that pumpkin muffin. Or scone. Or cupcake. You get the picture. I'm a foodie. I major foodie. And I especially love pretty food. But I really need to learn to control myself. Anyways, I guess I will stop lecturing myself on here. I'm sure you're not really interested or amused. Maybe you're amused. ... BOTTOM LINE: Next 8 week challenge from #TIU I will be focusing on working out AND eating healthier. And I just wrote that on the internet. So now you guys can hold me accountable. 

Well, I believe you guys are mostly caught up on my pathetically boring and unentertaining life. Maybe it will get more adventurous soon. Here's to hoping! Now excuse me while I go play "good student" and read an article for BWVW 101. Until next time..

XOXO, Nichole

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Coffeeshops Etc.

     Currently sitting in this random bakery (which is really more like a deli) somewhere in Lynchburg. I still depend on my GPS to get me places, because I honestly have no idea where everything is! I WAS at this adorable coffeeshop, The Muse, but for some odd reason my laptop wouldn't connect to the internet. And that was a problem. So my roommates and I walked down the street to this weird bakery. The raspberry scone is yummy. The atmosphere is not.

     Well, here we are, the middle of the third week! Time is pretty much flying, but dragging at the same time. There are still so many things to get used to. Liberty University is SO much different than Pensacola Christian College. For one, you can actually acknowledge guys outside of campus. And holding hands? Not a problem. Yeah, shocker. Really, I keep having to tell myself not to be surprised. haha 

     I am not as homesick as the past two weeks, so that's nice. The homesickness really caught me by surprise. I mean, really, I spent TWO MONTHS away from my family. In a different country. Yeah. But, I suppose it wasn't as bad considering I was with my SECOND family. Anyways, I said all that to say the homesickness is better. Phew.

Surprised my sister for her birthday!

     Classes aren't too bad. Finally getting back into the swing of things. My chem class pretty much feels like a joke. I keep having to remind myself that we've started back at the basics...the last time I was in chem class, it was Organic and Biochem. Talk about a challenge. But, back to CHEM 107. Yeah. Not cool to have to take general chem again. Not at all. But, it is what it is, right?

     Favorite class so far? Conversational Spanish. Yes. I. Love. It. I had my first speaking test the other was rough, I definitely wasn't fluid, but it was awesome. Painful (sorta) but awesome! I love learning how to say things and just thinking about the Hispanic culture and everything I can do when I (finally) can speak better. I keep thinking back to Nicaragua and wishing I had soaked in more. And missing it. Boy do I miss being there.

     Least favorite class? Not chem. Close, but not quite. My least favorite class would, without a doubt, be statistics. Hate it. So much. Like, what's the point? I'm an algebra girl. Not a statistics girl. No way. Ew.

Vanilla with Lemon Whipped Buttercream

     Well, I have been so busy lately, I haven't had a chance to even think about posting my recent cupcakes! For one, I got a new computer! Yay! Say hello to my new 13 inch MacBook Air! Haven't named him yet, but love him so far! As for cupcakes...I made Red Velvet Oreo & Vanilla with Lemon Whipped Buttercream for Labor Day. Delish. One of these days I will get around to actually posting recipes...

Red Velvet Oreo

     So, how's life you may ask? Aside from school and stuff? Still no job here in Lynchburg. Not cool. But, that will come. I hope. All in God's timing. It's so funny how much I feel I've learned, just in the past month. Clearly God wants me here. I can see it in everything. And it's an amazing feeling. Very challenging, because when you're on the right path, things don't always go according to your plan. But, God has had His hand in everything that's happened. I can just tell. It's hard to explain..just trust me on this. And I know that not everything that happens is a "sign from God". I realize that's not how He works. But, I'm starting to take things day by day, and focus on what He has put into each day. Maybe a person He's placed in my life. Maybe someone that will be there for me, or someone I can be there for. Maybe a challenge, such as taking chem AGAIN. Maybe letting me focus on school for the first few weeks instead of a job. Maybe placing me in a prayer group that I really need, or one that really needs me. We never truly know. It's just our job to live our lives for Him. Every day.

     Sadly, I haven't been running like I planned. Like, at all. I need to. Tomorrow, I aim to get my sad, tired butt out of bed and off to run. Maybe just a mile. Maybe two. Actually, no...definitely only one. Baby steps. 

     Anyways, maybe I should stop procrastinating and work on some Spanish vocab before bed. I do, after all, want to be fluent. ;) And need to wake up at 6:30 AM. Darn.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Getting Adjusted

     I am a bad person. Seriously. I told myself I was going to write at least once a week. But, you know, I had to go and get distracted by packing and leaving for college. Yep. Of course. It's been 2 weeks since my last post. That's 14 days. Or 336 hours. I can keep going, but I think you get the point! Anyways, I do regret not keeping up with this. But, I'll make up for it.
     Well, I'm assuming you noticed that I said I left for college. Let me tell you, I thought it was going to be so much easier than it has turned out to be. No, I don't mean college...I just mean getting back INTO college. Like, the routine and being away and sitting in class. Let me tell has been a challenge. For one, I don't have any close friends here. Like, I know people that go here, but haven't talked to them in years! But, my roommates have been pretty awesome, and I've met people in every class. That still doesn't mean that it's all fine and dandy. But, I suppose where friends are concerned, it's getting there. Aside from friends, let me tell you..sitting out of school for a year and trying to get your mind back into learning is kinda hard. Like, I feel like my brain is like "Hold up Nichole. You just spent over a year doing nothing with that brain but working and making cupcakes. Can we just go back to that?" Well, this is my response: "Brain...while I would love nothing more than to bake cupcakes all day and watch Netflix, I don't think that's God's current plan for me. So, Brain, we need to get used to going to class everyday, sitting through BORING classes like CHEM 107, and working hard to get As. Because, Brain, we. are. getting. As. Or A+s." 

     (Ok, so, maybe I don't really talk to my brain like that. I definitely don't. But I have been constantly telling myself that I can do this. It's hard. Really. But I can do it.) Today is only the 3rd day of classes. It will get better. Maybe I won't be so homesick if I didn't have a horrendous cold. Like, seriously, my voice gets more hoarse/non-existent every day. I'm just waiting to wake up without it. Hasn't happened yet though..

     Well, where cupcakes are concerned, I have created some concoctions in the past 2 weeks:

 Banana Split
Cinnamon Sugar Swirl
(not pictured)
 and, the most recent,
Reese's Peanut Butter. Yum.
     What's the next cupcake project, you might ask? Well, that's a secret. But, it will happen soon. Like, probably tomorrow night. Depending on how much time I have. But, since classes haven't really been crazy yet, and I could really use some sort of stress reliever, I'm thinking I see some baking in the near future.
    Other random updates:

Said goodbye to my CFA family. (oops..sorry.."see ya later")
We officially welcomed Shadowhunter into our family. Such a cutie.
     Now that you are completely caught up on my life, I have to say goodbye for the night. Unfortunately I am a college student once again, and would LOVE to get ahead on work. Until next time!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sharing Coffee

We found a stray. Well, my mom found him. The most adorable little kitten: all black, fluffy, long tail, hazel eyes. I walked out of my room this morning after my morning devotions and my sister is standing there holding a black kitty I had never seen before. I cuddled him for a little bit. He snuggled up in a little ball on my lap. I tried to get a picture, but he was more interested in my coffee than the camera. I knew we had a connection.. I think we may have a future coffee drinker here..seriously, he DRANK FROM MY COFFEE CUP. I don't share with animals..but he was so cute I let him. He doesn't need coffee though, because he has plenty of energy. Really. Virginia and I named him Shadow. Mom says we can't keep him unless he stays here all day. But, I really hope he stays! He is currently on our front porch, begging to come in. Molly likes him. Faerie isn't too sure yet. She'll get over it. My family likes to take in strays..

In other news, last week's cupcakes were a hit. I went with a funfetti cake and a cake batter frosting. Officially known as Cake Batter Cupcakes. Yum. I hope to post a recipe later..

I have approximately two more batches of cupcakes to make before heading off to college. I say approximately because, well, you never know when I feel the urge to bake! But, between packing, work, and finishing my online math class before move-in day, I'll be lucky if I get ONE batch of cupcakes done! I plan on doing that today though, after work. I'm pretty excited about these..I hope they work out. Speaking of work, gotta finish getting ready! Have a wonderful Wednesday!



Monday, July 28, 2014

Well, Hello There..

First blog post. Here goes.
Today begins a [hopefully] new habit of blogging at least once a week. I've tried, and failed, before. But, I am trying to get into the habit of putting the thoughts in my head out into the world. We could call it venting, but I hope that's not what this turns into. My hopes for this blog are to share my love of things with others. What things, you may ask? Well, I suppose I should start by introducing myself, and maybe that will help.
 My name is Nichole, and I am a nursing student at Liberty University. Well, that is only partly true. It's taken me awhile to get to where I am in school. I have 2 years of nursing school behind me from a different I'm kinda starting over, kinda catching up..basically, life surprises you and doesn't always go how you think. Anyways, I am a runner, baker, crafter, and believer. Cupcakes and coffee are my thing (hence, the title of my blog). I like to attempt to look on the bright side of things..but don't always achieve that. I love all things pink and sparkly. And shoes...gotta love shoes..

My main focus on this blog is going to be..wait for it..cupcakes. With a side of coffee. Mostly just my obsession with coffee and what I'm drinking at the moment. [which, if you would like to know, I am currently drinking coffee with a white chocolate raspberry creamer. Yeah. Delicious.] As for the cupcakes. Well. Cupcakes are a whole different story. I love making them, inventing new flavors and combinations, and sharing them! There's just something about hearing how much others enjoy things you painstakingly spent time putting together. Besides, who doesn't love cupcakes?! It's a small, bite-sized cake, the size of your fist, that you eat with your hand. I mean, just look at one! So adorable.

 I try to make cupcakes once a week. Usually I bring them to work, or send them with my mom to her work. Like I said before, I like to share. Plus, the more people eat my creations, the less I will be tempted to. So, it works out. This weeks creation? Well, let's just say..I have some ideas. And I can't wait to share them!

Until next time..
XOXO, Nicky