Saturday, November 22, 2014

Home Sweet Home

     Well, here I am again. I am sorry I have been such a terrible blogger. I promise I will get better. This semester has been a crazy busy, nightmare-ish, wild roller coaster, but good news! It's almost over! Only 2 more CHEM 107 classes, 2 more PSYC 101 classes, and 1 more CSPA 101 class. Plus, 3 tests (1 for each class) and a few homework assignments. Oh, and a video for Spanish. I'm actually pretty excited about that, because I am basically going to walk around my house speaking Spanish, spouting off random information and shoving the camera into various family member's faces. Should be great.

     But, for now, I am just going to sit at the kitchen table with my 3 cup of coffee and enjoy not thinking about school. Like I said before, it's been a crazy semester. Which I'm sure you can figure from my lack of posts. It's so sad, but I have a goal to post more this Thanksgiving & Christmas break. I am actually pretty excited for this week. Aside from being home and not having to go to class, my sister and I plan on working on a few DIY projects. I decided it would be so much easier to make presents this year than buy presents! Not that I don't care enough to BUY people stuff..but let's face it, it's more fun to make presents! Plus, I'm the kinda person that doesn't want to leave anyone out, and that gets kind of expensive. I can't wait to post about the DIY adventures that will be happening! 

    How's school, you may ask? Well, it's not too bad. Spanish continues to be my favorite, and that had a major role in my decision about next semester. Yes, you read that right. I have kinda made a decision about the future. I say kinda because I'm still not sure. And I honestly don't want to talk to people about it. Because, what happens if it changes? I don't know...But, as for my current classes, they are going very well. I actually don't think I've ever done this well in school and NOT been super stressed. I mean, I have my moments. But, not gonna lie, for the most part I have been pretty calm. Weird. 

More exciting news!! Last week I posted an ad asking for someone to design some business cards for Elizabeth Maree Cupcakes. I got a TON of responses. It was so hard to choose someone, but I did, and she created the cutest business cards! She also put the logo in digital form, which I needed since my best friend from high school drew the original logo with colored pencils. Anyways, here it is!! And I can't wait until my business cards come in! Business is also picking up, so that's exciting.
Other random updates: 

One of my best friends from high school got married! Over a month ago now. It is so weird having a friend who's married! I don't feel old enough..EVERYONE IS GROWING UP AND I'M NOT SURE I LIKE IT! LOL Anyways, it was a beautiful wedding! And I can't wait to go and visit her soon!

I turned 22. It's weird thinking that's how old I am now. It was a great birthday, but definitely bittersweet since it was my first birthday away from my BFF in 4 years. Yeah, 4. But she managed to make it amazing, even all the way from Chicago. And my family and friends helped too. So, all in all, a successful 22nd birthday. 

My little bro came to visit me! That was a fun weekend. I can't wait for him to come to school here next year if that's what he decides! 

We ate too much food, walked around campus, he came to class with me..we went to a football game AND my first hockey game! Which I must say was super fun and I pretty much love watching that sport now. So cool! We also saw For King & Country and Britt Nicole in concert. 

Last weekend I drove to Blacksburg to visit my cousin. It was so cool to see Virginia Tech. The last time I saw the campus was over 10 years ago. Both of my parents went there, and my mom graduated from the vet school. It certainly has grown since then..but it was cool to think about the fact that they were there so many years ago! Yeah..I get sentimental like that. Anyways, we had fun going hiking and working on homework. Typical smarty-pants college students, right? 

     So, there's an update on my oh-so-exciting life. It will get more exciting this week, I promise. For now, I am going to go and help my "big sis" cook for our church dinner tomorrow night. It's our first one! So exciting! (Did I ever write about CityLight? I don't remember...I shall have to do that sometime) Lots to do!

    Happy Saturday everyone!

XOXO, Nichole