Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dear Disgruntled Guest...

Hey there. Long time no see. I figured with Christmas Break I would have unlimited amounts of time to blog. Well, sadly, that was not the case. Almost every night has been busy, I have 1, 000, 001 things to do, and I've been working. Yep. Funny, I'm not even working full-time right now, but every day STILL tires me out. Which brings me to the topic of my writing today: my job.

Yes, I may or may not be venting. But, here me out. It's worth reading. 

I work at a fast food, or "quick service", restaurant. I am not going to reveal the name of it, but those of you who know me know what restaurant it is. I love my job. Really. I love the people I work with. I love the regular customers who come in. I love the business. But there are definitely some things I do NOT love. Let me elaborate.

I work in the drive-thru for my job. This includes places such as headset, window, bagging the food. There is actually a lot more involved in getting your food out to you than you think! We are hard working and don't get paid all that much. Those of us who work during the day are full-time. Some of us get to work as early as 4:30 AM if there is breakfast involved. That's early. Seriously. You try waking up at 3:00 AM five days a week. Not easy. But, I am not writing this so you can commiserate with me. Nope, not at all. I'm writing this so you can possibly show us a little more respect. Like I said, we work long hours, some of us have families to provide for our school bills to pay..and we don't get paid that much. So, here goes...

Let's start with the wait. So many customers take it upon themselves to complain about the very few times they have to wait in line. Yes, I realize drive-thru is supposed to be fast. I do. And yes, it is our job to get your food out to you fast. But, at the same time, I cannot make people coming through the drive-thru get their money out in 0.5 seconds, take the bag from me, and leave in less than a minute. Now, don't get me wrong, that would definitely be ideal! But, trust me, it won't happen. Which brings me to the next topic.

Please, please, PLEASE, if you are going through the drive-thru, have your money ready! Please don't drive up to the window and look shocked when I tell you your total and hold out my hand for the money. Please don't make a joke about having to pay. It's great that you're nice, and I would much rather have you joke with me than yell at me. But please have your money ready! And having two handfuls of change in your hand and asking me if the total was in fact $12. 82 and counting out the change in pennies is not ready. Not even a little bit. So please, have your money ready. And by ready, I don't mean that you have to get out of your car, open your trunk, and grab your card. Yes, cards are fast. But, no, getting out of your car to get your wallet is not fast.

Let's talk about sauce, shall we? So, at this restaurant I work at, we have a sauce limit. Because, in case you didn't know, sauce costs money. But, we hand out sauce for free. But, there is a limit of sauce per item or meal. This limit is drilled into us by management when we start working. Going over the limit is counted as waste. If we waste sauce, the chances of getting a raise are slim. Some of us work hard to get a raise. So, please, respect us when we deny you of the THREE extra sauces you request, because I could get in trouble. While I won't get fired over handing out too many sauces (at least..I don't think I will) I won't be getting a raise either. And, like I've already said, I work hard. I have things to pay for, college to finish. And when you tell me "I NEED at least 2 more sauces. I don't care if you have to take it out of your paycheck, you are going to give me more sauce." I am most definitely NOT going to give it to you. Because, #1. HOW RUDE. and #2. I am not entitled to give you sauce over the limit. I am a human being, and I should not have to tolerate being nice to you after you say things like that to me. 

Ok, last one, and I think I may be done. When I hand you your food, please do not question that I have given you everything. How about a little trust? Yes, I know sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we are working at such a fast pace trying to get your food to you in less than a minute that we miss big orders. Sometimes the people on headset accidentally switch a car and don't inform us and we hand out the wrong food. SOMETIMES THINGS HAPPEN. We are only human, after all. But, please respect us enough not to question our abilities. As I've said before, I am a college student. I have done 2 years of nursing school (I am changing my major, but that doesn't really change anything..) This past semester, I got an A in my chemistry class. AN A!! I studied my butt off. I am smart. I got a 3.77 GPA this semester. Next semester I am trying to get a 4.0. I do not plan on working in fast food for the rest of my life. I have future plans, goals. So, PLEASE, do not talk to me like I am stupid and don't know anything. I am quite capable of accomplishing anything in the fast food business. I am only working so I can have money to pay for school. And, you treating me like some stupid person does not make me want to be nice to you. Sure, I will be nice to you and smile. It's my job. But please don't talk down to me. I deserve better. For all you know, I could have spit in your food.. (of course I didn't, and I never would. EW. But it could happen. Just sayin')

Well, I believe that is enough venting for today. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but I just had to do this. After all, it's time to get these things out in the open and start fresh, right? Because, tomorrow is the first day of 2015. Gotta start it off right! :)

To all of you fast food employees, I love you. Keep working hard at what you do. And those of you who really are slackers, shape up! Work hard so you deserve praise. Make someone else's day better. You can do it.

Happy New Year, guys!!

XOXO, Nichole